Focused Engineering LLC has the qualifications and experience to design and analyze your mission and safety critical flight hardware. Our president spent about half of his 20 year career contributing to and leading such projects. You’ve doubtless already seen the shortened list of these projects on our About page. Here, you’ll find a more thorough description of our experience for those of you looking for a better understanding of our capabilities.
Focused Engineering is comfortable working with a variety of standard quality systems such as ISO 9001 and AS 9100. Our own internal quality system includes all of the essential components such as document numbering, revision control (ECO), corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), accounting, data encryption and back up, etc. We are well versed in a variety of industry standards and specifications dating back to MIL-HDBK-5 and ranging to welding specifications (e.g. AWS D17.1 & AWS B2.4), drawing specifications (e.g. ASME Y14.5), and a host of others (e.g. ASTM, MIL & FED-STD). Our preferred supplier for standards is Global Engineering Documents.
After receiving your government, prime, or secondary contractor specification, we will supply a line item compliance matrix indicating compliance (or exception with suggestion) to each of your requirements as well as verification / qualification method. We are happy to offer internal design services and to manage additional external test and manufacturing activities at robust facilities such as National Testing Services (https://www.nts.com/).
Our background specifically is in edge welded metal bellows and all of the complex assemblies these go into. They are used in hydraulic systems with complex electronics, low pressure reservoirs, high pressure accumulators (e.g. 16,000 psi burst pressure), ASME pressure vessels, torque couplings, environment isolation in linear actuators, pressure sensors, etc. The facility where these are design and produced includes significant vertical integration with a class 100 clean room environment, hydraulic press department, automated cleaning and pickling line, large vacuum heat treat furnaces, electron beam / laser / TIG / MIG / resistance welding, large machine shop, significant functional test capabilities, and MRB cage for discrepant hardware for disposition.
Our significant testing and manufacturing experience makes us more qualified than your typical product design and analysis house. We bring pragmatism, urgency, and attention to detail to your products in a decisive and actionable way with solutions that are easy to implement in the real world. We avoid analysis paralysis and know how to design for lean manufacturing. We’ve got decades of experience in all aspects of concept generation & selection, risk assessment and management activities, project management, drawing and procedure generation, solid modeling, and a variety of analysis tools across multiple platforms. Our presentation skills are top notch. Our president once gave a presentation to 30 people including the Airforce, Lockheed Martin, and Eaton Aerospace after which Eaton Aerospace offered him a job on the spot in front of his boss.
Presently, our preferred solid modeling program is ANSYS SpaceClaim, a direct modeler with strong advantages over history-based modelers such as SolidWorks. However, we have substantial experience with those as well and are happy to support them with STEP files as needed. We are also licensed to run the full ANSYS Mechanical finite element analysis (FEA) sweet which includes static and transient multi-physics solutions for vibration, thermal, and structural problems as well as so much more. Additionally, our close-knit network of licensed professional engineers can assist with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and materials selection and testing by an expert material scientist, and more.
We stand ready to help you with your commercial and military aerospace hardware. Have your own internal resources? We are happy to handle your overflow or specialty work and to merge our outputs seamlessly with your internal team. Give us a call to get started today!
Focused Engineering LLC is registered for government work under CAGE Code 860E1.